Frequently Asked Questions

What size HVAC systems should I have?

Your system should fit your home and set up to the proper code. It truly depends on the square footage and layout of your home. The best solution would be to have a professional technician come to your home and verify the tonnage and BTU's your unit is producing with the dimensions of your home.

Why is My HVAC system making so much noise?

There are alot of different factors to why your HVAC system could be making alot of noise. For one it could be the age of your HVAC system, sound level or insulation issues. It is important that you do not ignore this because it could mean a potentially bigger issue is occurring and it could be very expensive to fix later on if you wait a long time.

What are the benefits of clean air?

Clean air is so important because it can improve your overall lifestyle, promote more activity and even significantly improve the overall health of everyone living in the house. If the quality of the air is poor in the house it can lead to serious problems. Fatigue, dizziness and even respiratory problems can occur because of bad air quality.

How does air conditioning actually work?

Air conditioning works by circulating refrigerant between your outdoor condenser and indoor evaporator coil. Your system sends in liquid refrigerant to the metering device (TXV or orifice) and at that point it changes from a hot liquid to a cold vapor, then the vapor refrigerant stays a vapor state out to the outdoor condenser when it is condensed back to a liquid and the cycle repeats itself. The fan from your furnace blows air across your indoor evaporator coil through your central air duct and throughout your house.

How often should I check my air filter?
We suggest checking the filters monthly, however in higher-use seasons its better to check more frequently.